[Comic Review] Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issue 119 & 120 *SPOILER WARNING*

Good morning, Heroes, today we have comic book double feature review with Mighty Morphin Power Rangers Issues 119 and 120. So, it will be a longer read than usual, but we need to discuss 119 after skipping it in April. Now, for those unaware, we are building towards the end of The Darkest Hour, and the comic series’ current run. As a result, I am really looking forward to seeing how everything will wrap up, as I have no clue. Currently, there are a few theories though, but I cannot figure it out, and that is the exciting part. Anyway, without further ado, let us jump into our double feature review for MMPR #119 and #120.

Comic Credits

  • Artist: Simona Di Gianfelice & Marco Renna
  • Colorist: Raúl Angulo & Jose Enrique Fernández
  • Lettering: Ed Dukeshire
  • Writer: Melissa Flores
  • Designer: Madison Goyette
  • Darkest Hour Logo Designer: Dylan Todd
  • Assistant Editor: Kenzie Rzonca
  • Editor: Allyson Gronowitz
  • Cover Artist: Taurin Clarke
  • Hasbro Special Thanks to Linda Lee, Tayla Reo, Michael Kelly & Ed Lane



Now, Issue 119 begins with Lord Zedd reflecting on the countless battles that he has participated in. Whereas, as one can expect, this monologue gives readers a great insight, as to how Lord Zedd’s mind works. Interestingly, Lord Zedd is rather headstrong, letting his stubbornness carry him to victory, at least that is what he believes. However, it immediately supports how Lord Zedd acted during the television series since he was always defeated. Like even if Lord Zedd achieved a small victory, the Rangers always bounced back and then we rinse, dry, repeat. Also, in Cosmic Fury, it further shows how Lord Zedd’s stubbornness became a threat to everyone’s existence, including himself. So, I love the consistency regarding Lord Zedd’s character throughout the years, or an explanation for his madness.


Yet, while Lord Zedd continues to reflect on life, things transition to Kiya, who attempts to steal the Power Eggs. Although, Kiya is unsuccessful from acquiring the eggs, as Kendall and Billy manage to restrain her. Unfortunately, Kiya’s tampering does affect the temporary Morphing Grid, and force fields protecting the Earth. Meanwhile, the various surviving couples are having their own sorts of dates during this crisis. Specifically, Tommy and Kim are training in the Angel Grove Park, while Aiesha and Matt spar at Promethea. However, the biggest thing is that this issue finally sets the record straight regarding Trini and Zack’s relationship. Here, the two seemingly commit to their feelings for one another and become an item. Coincidentally, this was something I wanted for these characters, and I hope they get their own mini-series together.


Anyway, each conversation between these couples is unique, as each explore the characters dynamics with their selected partners. Firstly, Kim is overcome by doubt, but Tommy reminds her that as long as they are together, they can win. Whereas, Aiesha has to remind Matt how they will require hope to save their friends that were turned into Thralls. Surprisingly, Matt believed in a realistic scenario where Rocky and Adam might not be able to be saved. Essentially, I think Matt began considering that the surviving Rangers might need to pull an “Old Yeller.” Meanwhile, Trini believes that she failed everyone and that she should have never become the Omega Red Ranger. However, Zack reassures that this is not her fault, and like Tommy, he believes that being together makes them stronger. So, their overall conversations build upon how love, hope, and unity should allow the Rangers to overcome Dark Specter. Overall, this scene provides great character development and relationship establishment that is accompanied by amazing dialogue crafted by Melissa Flores.


Following our couples interacting, the issue returns to the moon where Mistress Vile contained in her dumpster. Here, the comic team illustrates their depiction on how the dumpster looks on the issue, and it is rather mystical. Personally, I prefer this interpretation since the television series just made the dumpster appear to be dark and hazy. Whereas, the comics have it being cosmic-like on top of the mystical appearance while sporting red, yellow, and orange hues. However, with Rita is trapped inside, Squatt and Baboo appear looking to free her. Interestingly, I love seeing how the comics make these two goons super loyal to Rita, no matter her form. So, even in this moment it is refreshing to see that they continue to lookout for her.


Then the book transitions back to Promethea, where Trini confronts Kiya regarding her most recent betrayal. Specifically, Trini looks to learn why Kiya tried stealing the Power Eggs, and addresses how their friendship ended. Surprisingly, Trini forgives Kiya for attempting to kill her, but thankfully, it is not the typical forgive and forget scenario. However, in their conversation, Kiya reveals that she tried fleeing the corruption, but that everything was useless. Especially, as Kiya witnessed other teams becoming corrupted by Dark Specter like the Cosmic Fury Rangers. As a result, Kiya sought to acquire the Power Eggs and use them to shatter the Morphing Grid again. Although, if Kiya was successful, fans already know that the consequences of her actions would only worsen things.


Whereas, Trini’s and Kiya’s conversation leads the Rangers to discussing their next move, as to combat Dark Specter’s threat. Coincidentally, Billy realizes that the two White Tiger Power Coins can be used to protect the Rangers. Specifically, because the White Ranger power is an incorruptible source, but that means Tommy will be benched. However, Tommy immediately accepts this role, as the Rangers are needed to save the universe. Although this decision occurs at the last possible minute, thankfully, the team manages to morph to defend themselves. In addition, Aiesha takes a page out of Lord Drakkon’s book to purify Rocky and Adam by shooting them.


Furthermore, the Rangers plan to visit the Void, where the Solar Rangers reside, to boost the White Power Coins’ reach. Unfortunately, Dark Specter becomes aware of the Void due to a corrupted Tanya informing him of its existence. So, now both the Rangers and Dark Specter race to acquire the location to strengthen their holds on the universe. Meanwhile, Rita has seemingly come to terms with her imprisonment, and has lost all hope…

Comic Credits

  • Artist: Valeria Favoccia
  • Colorist: Valentina Pinto
  • Lettering: Ed Dukeshire
  • Writer: Melissa Flores
  • Designer: Madison Goyette
  • Darkest Hour Logo Designer: Dylan Todd
  • Assistant Editor: Kenzie Rzonca
  • Editor: Allyson Gronowitz
  • Cover Artist: Taurin Clarke
  • Hasbro Special Thanks to Linda Lee, Tayla Reo, Michael Kelly & Ed Lane



So, Issue 120 begins with the tale of the Solar Rangers, as to how they came into existence. Overall, it is a refresher for longtime fans, or a primer for those who did not read Marguerite Bennett’s run. Personally, I am glad the lore has been retained, and being reasserted into the current story or universe. Especially, since following their arc, the Solar Rangers were just forgotten about, which was probably due to their initial reception. However, it is nice returning to this portion of the comis, and seeing how things have advanced. Unfortunately, rather than advance though, things have fallen as Dark Specter’s Thralls have managed to invade the Void.


Currently, Remi the Orange Solar Ranger attempts to comfort misplace children, as they hide from the invading Thralls. Coincidentally, everything feels hopeless for them since they are unaware how the Morphing Grid even works. Furthermore, they are not in contact with anyone who could warn them about the ongoing situation. As a result, the issue proceeds to have sense of looming dread, as if the remaining Solar Rangers could lose. Although, our characters are still hopeful that they can survive this attack, as they believe that Power Rangers always win. So, readers are entirely left uncertain, as to how events will transpire next.


Now, one thing I enjoy seeing is that Ari the Purple Solar Ranger, continues to be the team’s leader. Normally, fans know that the Red Ranger is the leader, but since Ari came first, she obviously took seniority. Unfortunately, readers will begin to see how being the leader is taking a toll on Ari. For example, like Tommy or Trini, Ari is making calls to keep everyone safe, even if they are unpopular decisions. So, when Ari suggests severing the Void in half the other Solar Rangers believe the idea is absurd. As a result, Ari needs to collect herself, and reevaluate things since she is overstressed from her responsibilities. Coincidentally, I love how Valeria Favoccia and Valentina Pinto illustrate these panels where they depict Ari’s inner struggle. Specifically, Favoccia and Pinto capture Ari’s expressions and body language perfectly feeling hurt to make this radical decision.


Sadly, things worsen as Dayne appears to acquire the Solarix, a device Ari uses to manipulate the Morphing Grid energy. For newer readers, Ari has used the Solarix before during Beyond the Grid, and Necessary Evil events. Whereas, Dayne is accompanied by three Solar Rangers who have become Thralls in an attempt to overpower the remaining Rangers. Here, we get an incredible inner monologue by Ari regarding hope and what keeps her going which is Remi. However, when we learn that Remi has been corrupted, it seems Ari is more than willing to sever the Void. Also, we learn that the Solar Rangers have managed to capture Ranger Slayer, as this issue comes to an end.


So, I am safe to assume that the next issue will explain or show how Ranger Slayer got captured. Also, I am guessing that other Rangers are already scattered throughout the Void battling Thralls for the various Zeo Crystals. Furthermore, with Rita seemingly losing hope and turning white could it foreshadow her becoming the Mystic Mother for the finale? Like at this moment it seems possible since anything can happen in the comics as they are their own continunity. As a result, Darkest Hour could end things with a glorious bang of references from every known season. Yet, we will have to wait to see how it all ends in July with Darkest Hour #1. Nevertheless, I have been Ben Odinson, and I am out of here for now!


Final Score: 4.5 Power Coins out of 5 [Both Issues]

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